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Video chat, host, and livestream as incredible 2D and 3D avatars with Animaze! Built as the successor to
//the very successful// FaceRig, Animaze brings you personalized virtual avatars like never before.
Easily transform yourself at the click of a button and connect with your family, friends, followers, and fans on any platform that works with a webcam. Customize and add props to create your own unique persona. Animaze is the character creator for your online self!

Key Features List
CUSTOMIZATION & EXPRESSIONChoose from a vast array of premade base models. Select from a wide range of animals, objects, and human avatars. Add props, backgrounds, and emotes. Before you know it, you’ve got a custom virtual character ready to go!

CONNECT IN MINUTESGet up and running with your very own digital avatar quickly and easily. After an initial setup, Animaze works with webcams or iPhones and is compatible with OBS, SLOBS, Discord, Zoom, Google Meetings and more!
IMPORT YOUR OWN Live2D, VRM and Ready Player Me ModelsAlready have a model? No need to start over! Use our guides to convert and import your models into Animaze.
OPTIMIZE ENDLESSLYAnimaze connects with additional trackers including Leap Motion, audio-based lip trackers and Tobii Eye Trackers. Your virtual character (who-or-whatever they look like) accurately represents the emotions you are looking to portray.
ROBUST TOOLS FOR ARTISTSUse the Animaze Editor and comprehensive documentation to turn your 2D and 3D models into avatars, props, and backgrounds. Then, share them with the creator community!
… AND MORE!Animaze is the result of years of work and thoughtful feedback from the community. We are just getting started and will have many more updates, including new features, content, and who knows what else. We hope you join us for the ride!
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